Dribbling And Control

Week 9 Soccer Practice Drills for U7, U8 & U9 Teams



Field Setup

  • Each player has a ball
  • Set down cones to make a 50×40 steps field for 12 players – larger if more players
    • Anything can be a cone (an article of clothing, a water bottle, any marker)
    • Set cones every ten steps
  • Do not set up any goals
    • If there are goals, players will shoot on them and not listen to you
  • Demonstrate each drill / game before starting it

Drill 1 – Juggling – 5 minutes

  • Juggle for 5 minutes
    • The objective is to keep the ball from falling to the ground using your feet, thighs, shoulders, or head.
    • Give the players 5 minutes to see how many touches they can get without the ball falling to the ground.
      • Players should remember their high score
      • Keep the high score to themselves. In future practices they will try to improve on this high score

Drill 2 – Dribbling – 5 minutes

  • Dribble the ball anywhere within the field of play
  • Use the entire space
    • Do not let players bunch up
  • Keep the ball close to you while running
    • Can the players run and keep the ball under control
    • Players who are walking should be urged to run
    • Players who are running too fast should be urged to slow down in order to stay under control
  • Every 30 seconds or so, ask players to perform one of 4 moves learned during Week 1Week 2, or Week 3

Drill 3 – Switch – 5 minutes

  • As the players are dribbling, you yell “Switch!”
    • Players stop the ball they are dribbling dead with the bottom of their foot
    • Players then go find another ball to dribble
      • They cannot dribble the ball they just stopped
    • Once they find a ball players dribble again until you yell “Switch!” again

Drill 4 – Follow the Leader – 5 minutes

  • Pair up the players
    • Each player has a ball
  • One of the partners dribbles anywhere within the field of play, using any part of the foot, and performing any move
    • The partner follows close behind using the same part of the foot and performing the same moves
  • Switch the leader every 75 seconds

Game 1 – Coach “Knockout” – 5 minutes


Coach Knockout Setup

  • Set up 1 large box within the field of play
    • About 25 x 25 steps
  • Each player has a ball inside of the box
  • The coach is inside of the box without a ball


Coach Knockout

  • Players dribble inside of the box
  • Coach tries to kick the players’ balls out of the box
    • Players can either use a move or shield the ball to keep it away from the coach
  • If the coach manages to kick the player’s ball out of the box, the player runs to get the ball and brings it back inside of the box

Game 2 – Player “Knockout” – 5 minutes

Same as Game 1 above, except:

  • The coach is not a part of this game
  • The players have to both protect their ball from getting kicked out and try to kick other players’ balls out
    • The players may not leave their ball unattended to go kick another player’s ball out
    • They have to stay in control of their ball
  • When a ball gets knocked out of the box, the player runs to get it and brings it back in to keep playing

Drill 5 – Trap and Pass Back – about 8 minutes with setup

Setup 3 Passbacks

Setup: 3 lines of players; Outside players facing one another about 20 yards apart; Outside players with the ball; Inside player without the ball

  • Split the players into groups of 3
    • If the numbers do not work out, you can make one or two groups of 4
  • Create two lines, about 20 yards apart
  • 2 of the 3 players will stand on these two lines, facing each other
  • Both outside players will have a ball at their feet
    • The 3rd player will be somewhere in the middle of the 2 lines, without a ball
      • For groups of 4 there will be two players in the middle
3 set Passback Step 1

1. Outside player passes the ball to the inside player 2. Inside player traps the ball 3. Inside player passes the ball back to the outside player

  • An outside player passes the ball to the player in the middle
  • The player in the middle traps the ball, 1 to 2 steps in front, and passes it back to the outside, taking 2 touches
3 set Turn Without Ball

The player in the middle turns to face the other outside player

  • The player in the middle turns to face the other outside player
    • For groups of 4, the two inside players will just switch the direction they are facing in after every pass back
3 set Passback Step 2

1. Outside player passes the ball to the inside player 2. Inside player traps the ball 3. Inside player passes the ball back to the outside player

  • The other outside player passes the ball in and the same is repeated
    • For groups of 4, both of the outside players pass the ball back every time because they have two players in the middle
  • Inside player plays the ball back in 2 touches, turns again and keeps going for a minute
  • Switch the middle player with one of the outside players
  • Go for a minute then switch again so that the player who has not been in the middle yet gets to be in that role
    • For groups of 4, this becomes the 2nd time in the middle for two players
  • Repeat each player being in the middle for another minute so that everyone gets at least two turns in the middle

Drill 6 – Turn and Pass to Other Side – about 7 minutes

Take a minute to demonstrate turning with the ball

  • As you receive a pass, instead of trapping the ball a step or two in front of you, cradle it under you with the inside of your foot
  • Turn your body to the direction you want to take the ball in
  • Push the ball in that same direction as your body turns
Setup 3 Turns

Setup: 3 lines of players;  Outside players facing one another about 20 yards apart;  One outside player with the ball;  Other two players without a ball

  • Working in your groups of 3 and 2 lines from the previous drill
    • This time only one player out of the three (one of the ones on the outside) will have a ball
3 set Turn With Ball Step 1

The player with the ball passes it to the player in the middle, who cradles it with the inside of the foot


  • The player with the ball passes it to the player in the middle
3 Set Turn With Ball

The player in the middle turns with the ball, pushes it forward slightly to prepare for a pass

  • The player in the middle turns with the ball
3 set Turn With Ball and Pass It Off

1. Player in the middle passes the ball to the outside player; 2. Outside player traps the ball; 3. Outside player passes it back to the inside player, who then turns with it and goes to the other side

  • The player in the middle passes the ball to the player on the other line
  • The player in the middle gets the ball back from the outside, turns with it, and passes it to the other side
  • Keep going for a minute and then switch players
    • The player in the middle switches with one of his teammates on an outside line
  • Go for a minute and switch again
    • The player who has not been in the middle yet goes
  • Go for a minute again
  • Repeat each player being in the middle for a second time for another minute


Game 3 – Scrimmage – 15 minutes

  • Place goals on the endlines of your field
  • For the first half of the remaining time, demand that 3 passes be made on a possession before a team can score
  • For the last 7 to 8 minutes, take away that restriction
    • Introduce the touch limits again if players start to hold on to the ball too long, or dominant players don’t pass the ball to the less dominant ones


End Practice

  • Team cheer
    • 1,2,3 Go “team name”!

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