Ball Control & Shooting

Week 10 Soccer Practice Drills for U10, U11 & U12 Teams

Drill 1 – Juggling – 5 minutes

  • Juggle the ball for 5 minutes
    • The objective is to keep the ball from falling to the ground using your feet, thighs, shoulders, or head. Give the players 5 minutes to see how many touches they can get without the ball falling to the ground.
      • Players should remember their high score
      • Keep the high score to themselves. In future practices they will try to improve on this high score
    • Coach sets up the next set of drills while the players juggle

Drill 2 – Follow Your Pass – 5 minutes


Passing circle Setup

  • Create groups of 5-to-6 players
  • One ball per group
  • Players form a circle
    • About 15 steps in diameter
    • You may use cones to help them, but they are not necessary
  • One player is in the center of the circle
    • This player starts with the ball


  • Follow your pass


Passing circle Follow the pass 1

1. Player in the center passes the ball to the outisde of the circle and then follows the ball to where it was passed; 2. The player receiving the ball traps it; 3. The player receiving the ball dribbles it into the center of the circle

  • The player in the center of the circle passes the ball to a teammate on the outside of the circle
    • Replace the teammate the ball was passed to on the outside of the circle
  • That teammate traps the ball and dribbles it to the center of the circle
    • Replace the teammate in the center of the circle

Passing circle Follow the pass 2

  • The teammate passes the ball to another player on the outside of the circle
    • Replace the teammate the ball was passed to on the outside of the circle
  • That teammate traps the ball, dribbles it to the center of the circle, and passes to the outside
    • Replace the teammate in the center of the circle

Passing circle Follow the pass 3

  • Keep going for 5 minutes


Drill 3 – Pass and Replace the Run – 5 minutes


Same as Drill 2


  • Pass and move to another spot on the circle


Passing circle Replace the Run 1

1. The center player passes the ball to a teammate on the outside of the circle; 2. The center player runs towards a different player on the outside of the circle; 3. The teammate towards whom the run was made replaces the center player; 4. The teammate who towards whom the pass was made traps the ball

  • The player in the center of the circle passes the ball to a teammate on the outside of the circle
    • After the pass, the player from the center runs to a different teammate on the outside of the circle
    • This teammate then replaces the player in the center of the circle
  • The teammate whom the ball was passed to traps the ball

Passing circle Replace the Run 2

  • The player with the ball passes it back to the center
  • The teammate who replaced the center player traps the ball

Passing circle Replace the Run 3

  • The player now in the center passes it to a teammate on the outside of the circle, then runs towards a different teammate on the outside of the circle
    • The teammate that the center player is running to replaces the center player
  • Keep going for 5 minutes


Drill 4 – Group Keepaway – 5 minutes


Team Keepaway Setup

Same as Drills 2 and 3, except:

  • Reduce the groups to 4 players per group
    • Create 1 more group by taking a player away from each group
    • Clearly indicate each group by handing them different color training vests
  • Take the ball away from 1 group
    • It is probably easiest to not give a ball to the newly formed group


  • Keep the ball away from the defending group
  • HINT: The defending group is likely to break up and go after multiple groups with the ball
    • The smart thing to do is to work together to steal 1 ball, then to break up and try to steal 2 or 3 balls
    • It is up to you when you want to provide this hint to the players
      • It might be useful to let them make the mistake 1st to demonstrate the coaching point


Team Keepaway 1

  • The groups that have the balls try to retain possession of them
    • The players in the groups pass the ball between each other
    • The groups can move to any area of the field and don’t have to stay in the same spot
  • The group that does not have the ball tries to steal one and thus force another group to be the defending group
    • If it succeeds, it tries to maintain possession of that ball, and the group that lost it has to regroup and steal a ball


Game 1 – Scrimmage (Switch the Field – Goalies) – 10 minutes


4 corners scrimmage setup

  • Make 4 5×5 steps boxes in the corners of your field
  • Designate 4 players who will stand in those boxes
    • They will be the “goalies” for the purposes of this drill
  • Split the rest of the players into 2 equal teams
  • The teams can attack in any direction


  • Get the ball to the goalies in the boxes to earn points
    • Goalies can use hands
      • HINT: It will be easier to get the ball to them if you “lift” it into them
  • HINT: Switching the field is going to help your team score


4 corners scrimmage 1

  • Players try to get the ball to the goalies

4 corners scrimmage 2

  • The team that succeeds in getting the ball to a goalie retains possession
    • The goalie looks to pass/throw the ball back to the team that just scored
  • Switch goalies every few minutes


Game 2 – Scrimmage (Switch the Field – Goals) – 10 minutes


4 goals scrimmage setup

Same as Game 1, except:

  • Take away the boxes in the corners and place 4 small goals in their place
  • Integrate the 4 goalies into the 2 teams
  • The teams now attack in just one direction
    • Same as regular scrimmage, but there are 2 goals to shoot on


  • Score a goal
  • HINT: Switching the field will help your team score


  • Score on 1 of the 2 goals that your team is attacking


Game 3 – Scrimmage – 15 minutes


scrimmage setup

  • Take away a goal on each side
    • There is now just 1 goal on each side, on the center of the endlines, as in a regular scrimmage
  • Play soccer


  • Keep encouraging players to switch the field


  • Score a goal


End Practice – 5 minutes

  • Thank the players for the wonderful season and praise them for everything they learned
    • Dribbling, trapping, passing, shooting, and defending
  • Team cheer
    • 1,2,3 Go “team name”!

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