Dribbling, control, and shooting
- Each player should have a ball
- Set cones down to make a 60×50 steps field for 18 players
- If you have more players, make the field larger
- Anything can be a cone (an article of clothing, a water bottle, any marker)
- Set cones every 10 steps on the perimeter to allow players to see where the boundaries are
- Do not set up any goals
- Demonstrate each drill / game before starting it
Coaching Points
- Use only your feet
- Show the players all areas of the foot
- Top, bottom, outside, inside, heel
- Show the players all areas of the foot
- Do not use your hands
- Keep the ball in bounds
- Keep the ball close to you
Drill 1 – 5 minutes
- Dribble the ball anywhere within the field of play
- Use the entire space
- Do not let players bunch up
- Keep the ball close to you while running
- Can the players run and keep the ball under control
- Players who are walking should be urged to run
- Players who are running too fast should be urged to slow down in order to stay under control
- Have the players perform some moves on your command
- Stepover, Inside-out, Outside-in, Stop-and-go, Cruyff, Inside-inside (go here to find videos showing these moves)
Drill 2 – 5 minutes
- Juggle the ball for 5 minutes
- The objective is to keep the ball from falling to the ground using your feet, thighs, shoulders, or head. Give the players 5 minutes to see how many touches they can get without the ball falling to the ground.
- Players should remember their high score
- Keep the high score to themselves. In future practices they will try to improve on this high score
- The objective is to keep the ball from falling to the ground using your feet, thighs, shoulders, or head. Give the players 5 minutes to see how many touches they can get without the ball falling to the ground.
Drill 3 – 10 minutes
Drill 3 involves 5 mini drills, all using the same setup described below.
- Split the players into two equal teams
- Hand out pennies to one of the teams
- Have the players wearing the pennies stand on the outside of the cones with the balls
- Have the players wearing regular shirts be inside of the cones without the balls
- For each drill, a team will go for 1 minute on the inside and then 1 minute on the outside, or vice-versa if they started on the outside, they will switch to the inside after a minute.
Drill 3 – 1st mini drill – 1+1 minute
- Players on the outside will put the balls at their feet
- Players on the inside will look for a pass from an outside player by running towards the outside player
- Outside player should not pass the ball unless an inside player asks for it
- Players on the outside pass the ball once an inside player asks for it
- Players on the inside control the ball with one touch, and pass it back with the second touch
- Once the ball is passed back, players on the inside look for another player on the outside to exchange passes with
- Encourage players not to go around in a circle looking for a pass from an outside player that is always the closest to them. Instead go to another area of the field for every pass
Drill 3 – 2nd mini drill – 1+1 minute
Same as the 1st mini drill, except: Outside players have balls at their feet
- Inside player passes the ball back with the first touch to the outside player
Drill 3 – 3rd mini drill – 1+1 minute
- Outside players have balls in their hands
- Inside players run to an outside player
- Outside player should not toss the ball unless an inside player asks for it
- Outside player underhand tosses the ball once the inside player asks for it
- Inside player traps the ball on the ground and passes it back to the outside player
- Inside player runs to another player on the outside to get a ball tossed for a trap
- Encourage players not to go around in a circle looking for a pass from an outside player that is always the closest to them. Instead go to another area of the field for every pass
Drill 3 – 4th mini drill – 1+1 minute
The same as the 3rd mini drill, except:
- Inside player traps the ball on a thigh with the first touch and passes it back to the outside player while it is still in the air with the second touch
- If possible, the ball should never touch the ground
- Use the inside of the foot to pass the ball back
Drill 3 – 5th mini drill – 1+1 minute
Same as the 4th mini drill, except:
- Inside player passes the ball back with the first touch while it is in the air
- If possible, the ball should never touch the ground
- Use the inside of the foot to pass the ball back
Game 1 – Keepaway – 10 minutes
- With the teams split up already into pennies and regular shirts, play keepaway in the field of play for 10 minutes
- The objective is to keep possession of the ball
- There are no directions involved as there are no goals set up
- Limit to only taking 3 touches – have to pass the ball on their 3rd touch
- Limit to 2 touches after 3 minutes
- Limit to 1 touch after another 3 minutes
- Take away all limits for the final 4 minutes
- See if they continue to move the ball without taking too many touches
Game 2 – Scrimmage – 10 minutes
- Place goals on the endlines of your field and turn the keepaway game into a scrimmage
- Introduce touch limits if players start to hold on to the ball too long, or dominant players don’t pass the ball to the less dominant ones
Drill – Trap and Shoot – 10 minutes
- Demonstrate proper shooting technique
- Trap the ball 2 to 3 steps in front of you
- Run up to the ball, lock your ankle, lean forward so your chest is over the ball, and shoot using either:
- The inside of your foot to place the ball into the goal (more accuracy less power)
- The laces to shoot the ball harder (more power less accuracy)
- Put a goalkeeper in the big goal
- If you don’t have a goal to work with, place two cones/bags/shirts about 8 big steps apart
- Split players into 4 lines
- 2 lines about 20 yards away from the goal and in line with the goal posts (put cones down that players will stand behind)
- 2 lines behind the endline in line with the 6 yard box
- Players on the endline pass the ball on the ground to the players standing in line 20 yards away
- Player 20 yards away traps the ball with the first touch and shoots it with the second touch
- Player who passed the ball joins the back of the shooting line, the player who shot the ball joins the back of the passing line
- The other side goes for their shot after goalkeeper is ready
- Make sure the shooters, not the goalkeeper, retrieve their own shots so that the drill keeps moving along
- After 5 minutes make the lines switch so that the ones who were to the right of the goal are now to the left of it and vice versa
Team Talk – 5 minutes
- Select a team name
- Suggestion: offer 3 choices and hold a blind vote to see which of the 3 choices is most popular
- Team cheer
- 1,2,3 Go “team name”!