Tag Archives: week 4

Dribbling And Control

Week 4 Soccer Practice Drills for U4, U5 & U6 Teams


Field Setup

  • Each player has a ball
  • Set down cones to make a 40×30 steps field for 10 players – larger if more players
    • Anything can be a cone (an article of clothing, a water bottle, any marker)
    • Set cones every ten steps
  • Do not set up any goals
    • If there are goals, players will shoot on them and not listen to you
  • Demonstrate each drill / game before starting it

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Dribbling And Control

Week 4 Soccer Practice Drills for U7, U8 & U9 Teams



Field Setup

  • Each player has a ball
  • Set down cones to make a 50×40 steps field for 12 players – larger if more players
    • Anything can be a cone (an article of clothing, a water bottle, any marker)
    • Set cones every ten steps
  • Do not set up any goals
    • If there are goals, players will shoot on them and not listen to you
  • Demonstrate each drill / game before starting it

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Dribbling And Control

Week 4 Soccer Practice Drills for U10, U11 & U12 Teams


Individual Boxes Setup

  • Each player has a ball
  • Set down cones to make 5×5 steps boxes for each players
    • Setting down 4 lines (5 steps apart from each other) of 5 cones (5 steps apart from each other) = 12 boxes
  • Demonstrate each drill / game before starting it

Drill 1 – Dribbling – 10 minutes

Drill 1 consists of 5 2-minute mini drills

  • Split players into 4 lines
  • For each mini drill, the next player in line goes when the player in front reaches the 3rd cone
  • When players finish go through the cones, they run back (on the outside of the cones) to rejoin the back of their own line

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