
Overcoming the Odds – Will Leicester City FC Win the Barclay’s Premier League?

Several weeks ago we provided some tips on how to pick a game to watch with your kid, and one of the things we talked about were the underdog stories. We mentioned the exciting prospect of Leicester City Football Club (the foxes) winning Barclay’s Premier League as the underdog fairy tale story of the year that could write the pages of sports history, be turned into books and movies, and is already influencing rock bands.

Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do. – Pele

The foxes have to play some very tough teams over the next 3 weekends, so nothing is set in stone yet, but need only 1 win (or 3 ties or 2nd place Tottenham to falter again) to secure the Premier League title. So look out for those games, especially if the pressure mounts up for their coach Claudio Ranieri not to finish in 2nd place again.

The 1st of the remaining 3 games for the foxes takes place on Sunday, May 1st, 2016 (9 AM on the East Coast) against the team that has won the Premier League more than any other team, Manchester United. Have fun watching the game, but before you do, we suggest you familiarize yourselves with the odds the foxes faced before the season to win the Premier League.

There just might be a lesson in there for your team about giving it your best each practice and each game.

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